Tagged: LIfe

UPDATED: 40 Shades of Kathy Coming in…it’s here, suckas.

#40iscoming. 39 forever!! 5/7/2015 – So…this happened today…I’m 40. FORTY. Cuarenta and it’s already starting out wonderfully. Breathe in…and breathe out. Things that make you realize you’re entering a new stage of your life: 1. You look at a celebrity and think “He’s cute but he’s a child…” He’s 20....

Dorks Unite! A Demented Love Story in Pictures & Posts

I love Mike for a lot of reasons but he hasn’t made it easy for me either…Hahaha. He photoshopped this for me today: ****** He writes me poetry… “Kathy Farts Freely” by MK. Kathy farts freely Her bunghole knows no bounds I can feel the wind blow And the blood,...

Haters Gonna Hate…and it Feels so Good.

“Why the hell would I listen to anything she says? She’s so annoying and now she has a blog about parenting like she’s some expert on anything. She needs to just shut the F up…” 5 things: 1. If you knew me, you’d know that I am NO expert on...

The Hell and Glory that is Raising Little Humanoids

I feel like I’m literally picking up crap off the floor all day long…like that’s all I do. I also live in the kitchen. I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m either in the kitchen or destroying my back picking up crazy amount of toys, books and food off...

Letting It All Go…Bravely

Do you ever find yourself having an Aha! moment, a second of pure clarity a much needed life lesson, a message that is beautifully answered exactly when you need it…at a time in your life when inconsequential things seem so important and you know it’s shit and childish and just...

Forget the Past. Don’t live in the Future. Be in the Present. Kumbaya your Mind Suckas. God Knows I’m Trying.

I’ve been paying attention to those around me and I’ve come to the conclusion that I know way too many angry people hoping for bad karma and ill will towards those they hate and wronged them. So many posts I’ve read on Facebook are so incredibly dramatic and so revealing...

Grateful for the all out Vomitfest/Stomach flu…yep, you heard me.

Josh got the stomach flu from a classmate and brought it home. In a matter of a few days, we all got it. Good times. It’s been non stop madness of vomiting, fevers, whining, and pale like zombie creatures walking around in casa de Hongzeff. The high alert upchuck hours...

7 Things I’ve Learned From Being a Mom & SAHM

Person with no kids: Omigod, your boys are so cute and fun, you must want to be around them all the time!! Kathy: Nope, not all the time. (Looks at me like I’m a bad person) 7 simple things I’ve learned from being a mother and a SAHM: 1. Having...