Category: Uncategorized


I’ve gained 10 pounds from getting out of this funk where I didn’t have much of an appetite and I was working out all the time… Ladies, you know what I’ve learned at the ripe age of 43? It doesn’t matter how much you weigh…instead of a “goal weight,” we...

Practicing the Art of Humility for the Greater Good

One of the greatest things about my life is the church I attend. I’ve been going to Newsong since I was 19 and now it’s even more rad because I go there with my husband and two little boys. Lead Pastor Dave Gibbons and the other great speakers at the...

Failed Asian. Still Happy. Life Still Loves Me Long Time.

In light of so many recent stories of people accusing Asian parents of treating their kids like Robots and kids running away from home because of the incredible amount of pressure and expectations that come with being an Asian kid…stereotypically and in real life…here’s my story. Family members: You’re such...

Proud to be a Prius Driving Ghetto Maintenance Housewife with Velcro Dinosaur Shoes and a Smart Ass Smirk

There has been a lot of articles clogging up my Facebook newsfeed lately about the Uber Rich Housewives living in the East Coast. Stay at Home “Wife Bonuses”  seem to be a real thing particularly in the Upper East Side. This excerpt from a fascinating article appropriately titled, “Inside the...

Oh Josh Duggar, You Poopoocacaheaded your Family into the Land of “Oh Hells No…”

FIRST OF ALL, IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY GOTTEN THE MEMO, REALITY SHOWS ARE NOT REAL. Child abusers/molesters come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Doesn’t matter what religion you are affiliated to or what color your skin is,  the sole topic and concern at hand is that Josh Duggar molested...

UPDATED: 40 Shades of Kathy Coming in…it’s here, suckas.

#40iscoming. 39 forever!! 5/7/2015 – So…this happened today…I’m 40. FORTY. Cuarenta and it’s already starting out wonderfully. Breathe in…and breathe out. Things that make you realize you’re entering a new stage of your life: 1. You look at a celebrity and think “He’s cute but he’s a child…” He’s 20....

The Hell and Glory that is Raising Little Humanoids

I feel like I’m literally picking up crap off the floor all day long…like that’s all I do. I also live in the kitchen. I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m either in the kitchen or destroying my back picking up crazy amount of toys, books and food off...

Birth Story: Mayhem Matty

We had left Josh with my parents to do some shopping for Matty who wasn’t due for another 2.5 weeks and went to Costco. There I pigged out on a pizza and a hotdog. But nooooooooooooooooo, that wasn’t enough to fill my appetite so we found ourselves in the drive...