Category: I fancy myself a writer

I’m Not Crying, My Eyeballs are Sweating

This morning on the way to school, Matty said to me “Mom, I don’t ever want to see that movie again…I felt so sad that I couldn’t sleep so I’m super tired today…but still handsome because of my super duper cool haircut…” Mike had to work late last night so...

Hate Turned into Goodness & Awareness

This is a little embarrassing but if I’m going to try and be honest with you in all things motherhood and life, I have to share this with you. I shared this on my personal FB page a few days ago and a few things were made abundantly clear. No...

Little Boys & their Grand Promises of Love

Kids are known to say some brilliantly funny uncensored things…but sometimes, sometimes because their hearts are so pure and still void of the realities of how the world really works, they think and feel such sweet things that make your heart feel like it will burst with love. Today was...