Tagged: mom

The Hell and Glory that is Raising Little Humanoids

I feel like I’m literally picking up crap off the floor all day long…like that’s all I do. I also live in the kitchen. I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m either in the kitchen or destroying my back picking up crazy amount of toys, books and food off...

Love in Motion in the Right Direction

To all those skeptics out there who think marriage is a joke, who think monogomy is unrealistic, who think love is fleeting…I hope someday you’ll meet someone who will obliterate all those thoughts. To be raised in a stable home where the very people who are supposed to teach you...

Things my Korean Parents Have Said To Me…

Exhibit A: Classic Typical Korean mom moment # I lost count: Mom: Thanks for the pictures yesterday. Kathy: Fun pics right? They were taken at a Thanksgiving event at the school. Mom: You and the boys came out so great in the picture. Well, the boys always look perfect in...

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

Imagination play in the making…this is probably the most intelligent conversation I’ve heard between the Hongzeff Boys (Josh is 5, Matthew is 4) thus far: Matty: Thank you Dr. Josh for putting a bandaid on my fireman who got hurt in the giant fire! Josh: You know, I’m not only...