Tagged: marriage

I Can Relate to The Crazy Mamas Now…

When you’re watching one of those Korean mini drama series and the signature mother in law characters you once thought were all super duper crazy out of their freakin minds because they are always so fiercly protective of their sons comes on and you’re like…”Yeaaah, I understand you now, crazy...

Hate Turned into Goodness & Awareness

This is a little embarrassing but if I’m going to try and be honest with you in all things motherhood and life, I have to share this with you. I shared this on my personal FB page a few days ago and a few things were made abundantly clear. No...

Your Favorite Poopoocacahead Blogger says “Thank you!”

Last blog post for 2015. Woohooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve talked about everything from motherhood, marriage, religion, gays, rad people, books, poopoocacaheads… I may not have a big fancy college degree or write eloquently with grace and wondrous pizazz but I know you never expected that from me anyway…Hahaha and this is why...

Video: When Beauty Fades and all that Remains is…LOVE.

Laughing and crying watching this incredibly funny and emotional video of a young couple who are about to embark on their journey as a married couple. With the power of make-up, they are able to see what they would look like throughout the years and the results will make you...

Selfishness has no place in Marriage or Parenthood

Sometimes I watch TV shows or movies where the heroine can do whatever she wants whenever she wants at any given time and I wanna be HER. Absolutely, I mean, who the hell doesn’t? But reality is, with the responsibilities of being a mom and a spouse, I don’t have...

Love in Motion in the Right Direction

To all those skeptics out there who think marriage is a joke, who think monogomy is unrealistic, who think love is fleeting…I hope someday you’ll meet someone who will obliterate all those thoughts. To be raised in a stable home where the very people who are supposed to teach you...