Video: When Beauty Fades and all that Remains is…LOVE.
Laughing and crying watching this incredibly funny and emotional video of a young couple who are about to embark on their journey as a married couple. With the power of make-up, they are able to see what they would look like throughout the years and the results will make you laugh and cry, simultaneously.
I think it’s easy for people who have been married for a while watching this to immediately say, “Yeah, they feel like this about eachother because they haven’t experienced the hardships of marriage and parenting yet…” and while I think that is very true, I think at the end of the day, the adoration, respect and loyalty of a great love will always remain…even through all the hardships and trials we go through and will continue go through, when two people truly love eachother, they will fight hate and ugliness to stay together.
Treat your husbands and wives in such a way that they feel special and loved every single damn day…even when you are both acting like raging poopoocacaheads.
Mike says I’ll look young forever because I’m Asian (haha) but I think I have a good 10 years left, hehehe.
I don’t worry about this couple…they are so sweet and hilarious. I hope they have a long and happy marriage. God bless them.
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