Tagged: kids

Love in Motion in the Right Direction

To all those skeptics out there who think marriage is a joke, who think monogomy is unrealistic, who think love is fleeting…I hope someday you’ll meet someone who will obliterate all those thoughts. To be raised in a stable home where the very people who are supposed to teach you...

Get Rid of your Pedestal and Destroy your Mommy Crown

When a mother is quick to say to me “my kids don’t throw tantrums, scream or misbehave” when my kid is acting like a poophead, I can’t help but laugh…outloud. Especially when I have personally seen her kids throw tantrums and scream and behave “badly”, I cannot be friends with...

Grateful for the all out Vomitfest/Stomach flu…yep, you heard me.

Josh got the stomach flu from a classmate and brought it home. In a matter of a few days, we all got it. Good times. It’s been non stop madness of vomiting, fevers, whining, and pale like zombie creatures walking around in casa de Hongzeff. The high alert upchuck hours...

Complaining about Valentine’s Day has Begun…

I don’t understand people who complain about Valentine’s Day. “Oh, it’s a commercial Holiday just to make money!” “There shouldn’t be a day where you declare your love and be all lovey dovey with your girlfriend or husband…it should be everyday…What a stupid holiday for stupid people…” To those people...

7 Things I’ve Learned From Being a Mom & SAHM

Person with no kids: Omigod, your boys are so cute and fun, you must want to be around them all the time!! Kathy: Nope, not all the time. (Looks at me like I’m a bad person) 7 simple things I’ve learned from being a mother and a SAHM: 1. Having...

When I Was Young…Youngerish.

When I was young… I wanted to be anything but Asian. Now I be like “Woohoo, I love my people!” Some kids used to call me horrible names, now I have kids who call me names like mommy and pretty princess. I used to look in the mirror & think...