Tagged: respect

Selfishness has no place in Marriage or Parenthood

Sometimes I watch TV shows or movies where the heroine can do whatever she wants whenever she wants at any given time and I wanna be HER. Absolutely, I mean, who the hell doesn’t? But reality is, with the responsibilities of being a mom and a spouse, I don’t have...

Stop the Madness of Dumbing Dad Down

Maybe there’s something wrong with me but I find no humor in crap like this. Why are fathers portrayed and treated like they are complete idiots. You see it in the movies, in the commercials…it’s totally wrong. Maybe I’m lucky that I’m only surrounded by good dads so don’t crap...

Mommy is NOT your Maid, Suckas & other Truths…

A few major lessons/responsibilities coming into play for reals FOR REALS starting with consequences for The Hongzeff Boys: 1. Mommy is not your maid, you make the mess you clean it up. You are a guest in our home, you help out whenever you are asked to. You will not...

Complaining about Valentine’s Day has Begun…

I don’t understand people who complain about Valentine’s Day. “Oh, it’s a commercial Holiday just to make money!” “There shouldn’t be a day where you declare your love and be all lovey dovey with your girlfriend or husband…it should be everyday…What a stupid holiday for stupid people…” To those people...

Relationships: Mars and Venus is Utter Crap

In 2014,  I had 7 friends end their marriages. SEVEN. All with multiple kids. To the world, it’s just 7 more numbers to add to a statistic, but to me, it’s heartbreaking and it SUCKS. All seven told me the same thing. The main culprit that killed it all: Lack...