It’s pretty simple, those who do not respect you and do not like you for no substantial good reason, will find a way to spin every single thing you do and say into a negative thing.
Doesn’t matter how good your intentions are, they will find a way to twist everything that is you as an individual to make you seem fake, selfish and horrible.
And most of the time, those who create such hate are the ones who are fake, selfish and horrible.
Don’t let the false definition of you they are stating as fact ruin a moment of your life and make you question who you are in a negative way. They spread the hate like an unstoppable virus but those who really know you…won’t catch the cold.
Let them create fables and fairytales where they can do no wrong.
You have a real life to live with real people who love and respect you for all the right reasons in the land of reality.
So chin up, back straight, strut out of false reality and breathe the crap out.
Don’t let ANYONE assassinate your character…No one can hurt you without your permission.
Happy Sunday and love you long time,
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