Monthly Archive: February 2015

Video: TO THIS DAY by Poet Shane Koyczan

I don’t understand how bullying still exists in schools after all the tragedies that occurred in the last few years alone. There were TV shows, movies, documentary specials…tributes to those we lost so young and senselessly yet this crap still happens. What are we doing wrong as a society and...

Losing Weight and Dealing with the Haters

For Josh’s 4th Birthday, we had a party at the house and rented a bouncehouse. The boys wanted me to jump with them so I did and I thought I was going to die. Like literally die after bouncing around for a minute. ONE WHOLE MINUTE. That’s how out of...

Grateful for the Tiger Parent…with Feeling.

I grew up in a home that was very normal and ordinarily Korean but pretty dang awesome. We ate most of our meals together, we went to Friday night bible studies and we dressed in our Sunday best for church every week. Mom and dad would spend the whole week...

Words have the Power to Heal or Destroy Lives

People are always talking about things coming full circle… I experienced it first hand today…big time. I try to be as positive as I can on Facebook and in my private life. I try to encourage people as much as I can…and it’s never untruthful…I wholeheartedly mean every single word...

Mommy is NOT your Maid, Suckas & other Truths…

A few major lessons/responsibilities coming into play for reals FOR REALS starting with consequences for The Hongzeff Boys: 1. Mommy is not your maid, you make the mess you clean it up. You are a guest in our home, you help out whenever you are asked to. You will not...