Video: Texting & Driving = Don’t be a Dumbass
Things happen in life.
Good. Bad. Happy. Sad. Tragic things. In a split second, anything can happen and everything can change.
But what if it’s completely preventable?
What if you had the power to prevent heartache, pain, suffering and even death?
Texting and driving is one of those things.
German filmmaker Werner Herzog, worked together with AT&T to direct a documentary focusing on short stories of the lives of those who were affected tragically by texting and driving. These lives include the very people who caused the tragedies. They too suffer immensily having to live with the burden, the knowledge that they ended a life or lives just by the simple act of texting. Watch the movie and you’ll see that they look like you and me. Just normal people who texted like so many of us while behind the wheel but they were just the unlucky ones who in a sense, got caught with dire consequences.
The haunting thirty five minute film is called “From One Second to the Next” and it will be shown in more than 40,000 high schools for obvious reasons.
When asked why he wanted to be a part of the anti-texting and driving campaign, Mr. Herzog said, “There’s a completely new culture out there. I’m not a participant of texting and driving — or texting at all — but I see there’s something going on in civilization which is coming with great vehemence at us.”
For more information on the dangers of texting and driving, please go here.
I dare you to watch this film and even think about texting the next time you’re behind the wheel.
I’m totally guilty. It ends today.
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