Tagged: drama

Saying Good-bye with the Best Intentions & Living With Purpose

I get called dork, nerd and the Easter bunny (Because they think I can be too damn nice sometime) by a group of my good friends on a daily basis. Some ask me if it offends me and the answer is, absolutely not. It makes me happy because it means...

Wipe the Crap Out of Your Life: Go Cleanse Thyselfeth…

Clarity. A full on Smack-You-In-The-Face-Wake-Up-And-End-The-Madness moment of clarity. There is so much more to life than wasting time on being disappointed and upset with your fellow humanoids. Getting angry and being disappointed in people on such a grand scale has no place in our lives. It’s taken up enough wasted...

Toxic People are Poopoocacaheads even if they’re Family

I think that you should love your family. I think there should be forgiveness if the bonds are fractured but it doesn’t mean you have to have them be an active part of your life. Don’t get me wrong…family is IMPORTANT but…sometimes things are so incredibly bad that it is...

Friendship: Love You Long Time

One major life lesson I know to be completely true is… That even in what seems to be the darkest moments of a friendship, if there is true love, a real understanding of eachother and a friendship that exists without the ridiculousness of keeping up with the joneses whether it...

Verbal Diarrhea on Repeat: You Deserve Better

Verbal Diarrhea on Repeat: You Deserve Better

Continuously saying horrible things to people and then apologizing afterwards. Like a neverending loop of verbal diarrhea. On constant repeat. Stay away from those types of people. Cut them loose. The problem isn’t you…it’s them. They put up a front of security and badassness to mask their true selves. They...