Tagged: Women

Relationships: Mars and Venus is Utter Crap

In 2014,  I had 7 friends end their marriages. SEVEN. All with multiple kids. To the world, it’s just 7 more numbers to add to a statistic, but to me, it’s heartbreaking and it SUCKS. All seven told me the same thing. The main culprit that killed it all: Lack...

My Favorite Romance/Thriller Books of 2015

“Holy crap woman, all I see is an explosion of flesh! You need Jesus.” – My dude looking at my Kindle account. Hahahaha. Look, I can love the bomchickaboomboom AND love the Jesus. I like to read a mixture of everything from Bret Easton Ellis, Neil Gaiman and Steinbeck but...

Movie Review: Wild

All the feels I had saved up for 2015 was sucked out of me watching the movie Wild. Empowering, beautifully acted (Reese will be nominated for every damn award in existance), well written, and it’s one of the few movies I’ve ever seen where the delicate use of flashbacks is...