Tagged: parenting

Put your Label Makers Down and Simmer Down Now…

I come across a lot of ridiculous articles these days like, “Things you shouldn’t wear when you’re over 30…” “Things you shouldn’t say when you’re over a certain age…” “Say no to the mom haircut…” “What kind of parent are you and what you need to change…” They can all...

Parenting Thoughts. Yay. Boo. Beer.

There is nothing like having kids of your own to realize that pretty much everything you thought you knew about kids and parenting was wrong and totally delusional. So easy to be so sure of reality when you’re not in the midst of that reality. Raising these little humanoids has...

How the Mighty Would Fall

How the Mighty Would Fall

Helicopter parenting, the hands off parent, the embarrassing parent, the strict parent… Who the hell cares, raise your child and love your child the way you see fit. No one sees what you go through 24/7. People who think they know everything about everything can make whatever judgments they want....