Tagged: mistakes

I Can’t…I just Can’t…But I’m So Gonna Tell You Anyway.

* I can’t blame anyone for the struggles I went through as a teen or in my 20’s. I made some dumbass mistakes and I dealt with the consequences…some not good and some really not good but I’m alive…Aliiiiiiiive!!!! * I can’t look at someone in the face and honestly...

Selfishness has no place in Marriage or Parenthood

Sometimes I watch TV shows or movies where the heroine can do whatever she wants whenever she wants at any given time and I wanna be HER. Absolutely, I mean, who the hell doesn’t? But reality is, with the responsibilities of being a mom and a spouse, I don’t have...

Reality Happens Here…Ain’t No Photoshopping Here.

I think my post today surprised a few people because I’m always so honky dory happy and “Hey the glass is always half full of delicious beer!!” but I have really bad days too…just like every single human being in the world. I try to keep things positive on here...