Tagged: keeping it real

Your Favorite Poopoocacahead Blogger says “Thank you!”

Last blog post for 2015. Woohooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve talked about everything from motherhood, marriage, religion, gays, rad people, books, poopoocacaheads… I may not have a big fancy college degree or write eloquently with grace and wondrous pizazz but I know you never expected that from me anyway…Hahaha and this is why...

I Can’t…I just Can’t…But I’m So Gonna Tell You Anyway.

* I can’t blame anyone for the struggles I went through as a teen or in my 20’s. I made some dumbass mistakes and I dealt with the consequences…some not good and some really not good but I’m alive…Aliiiiiiiive!!!! * I can’t look at someone in the face and honestly...

What People Don’t Tell You When You’re Having a Baby…But Should.

Let’s face it, most people have kids because life tells you that it’s what you should do as a man and a woman. It’s existed from the beginning of time…when you get married you’re supposed to procreate…it’s just a “natural process” of life that’s existed for years and it’s absolutely...

Perfection Does Not Exist…

Let me tell you the reasons why I admire mothers who don’t live in the universe of “My kids are perfect”, “I’m a better mom than you” and “my marriage is so delightful all the time”: You’re intelligent. You question things people are afraid to boldly. You’re incredibly talented in...