Tagged: children

What People Don’t Tell You When You’re Having a Baby…But Should.

Let’s face it, most people have kids because life tells you that it’s what you should do as a man and a woman. It’s existed from the beginning of time…when you get married you’re supposed to procreate…it’s just a “natural process” of life that’s existed for years and it’s absolutely...

Wanting a Baby for all the Wrong Reasons

Not gonna lie, I’ve been kinda wanting to have another baby lately.But it’s for all the wrong reasons.I look at my Matty now and he’s no longer a baby. He still has glimpses and parts of him that scream baby but reality is, he’s just turned 4 and he’s growing...

7 Things I’ve Learned From Being a Mom & SAHM

Person with no kids: Omigod, your boys are so cute and fun, you must want to be around them all the time!! Kathy: Nope, not all the time. (Looks at me like I’m a bad person) 7 simple things I’ve learned from being a mother and a SAHM: 1. Having...