Tagged: mommy

Being the Love of their Lives…for Now.

Mike’s been in his office working and the boys wanted to have another slumber party in my room tonight so I said yes. Took forever to get them to find the perfect spots on the bed where they would both be able to sleep next to me…fairly. Then as if...

Y’all, I’ve Been Replaced by The Hulk

So this JUST happened: You know you’re a parent when you hear the familiar sound of your kid climbing out of bed at around midnight to come get you to sleep with him because he’s scared. Other kids have blankets or stuffed animals. Josh’s security blanket comes in the form...

Beauty in Scars and Tiger Stripes

Went on a mommy forum where people discuss cool exercises tailored for mommy bodies and there are actually comments left by people who wrote things like “Women should never wear bikinis after they’ve had kids, why would you do that to us?” Especially the ones that got their bodies “destroyed.”...