Tagged: apology

A Human in Progress

Just because people don’t help you the way you’d like them to, doesn’t mean their friendships are worth less or they are not good people…everyone is different…how they handle certain situations is different but the goal is always the same…to love, to resolve, to find peace and to try and...

Failed Asian. Still Happy. Life Still Loves Me Long Time.

In light of so many recent stories of people accusing Asian parents of treating their kids like Robots and kids running away from home because of the incredible amount of pressure and expectations that come with being an Asian kid…stereotypically and in real life…here’s my story. Family members: You’re such...

Mommy Confessions

Mommy confession: I find myself saying things like “You’re moving too slow!” “Go, go, go!” And “You’re a big boy now, start acting like it!” to the boys a lot lately. So something Mike said to me tonight really bothered me but I couldn’t get mad because I had no...