Book Review: Franco by Kim Holden *****
Let me start off by saying I love every single one of Kim Holden’s books. She has a way of humanizing even the most flawed and broken people and making them into beautiful creatures who we can relate to and fall in love with so easily.
First off, can we please talk about the cover? I’m usually not a fan of covers with model guys on them nor dudes who are heavily tatted but good God…
A book cover has never looked so good. Graham Nation makes the perfect Franco so in my opinion, even before turning to page one, the book has already started off well with a great visual.
Often times we become solely intrigued with the main characters in the books we read but even the supporting players are written in such a way, they don’t only sway in the background, they play an intricate role in how the story unfolds for the two star characters. Kim knows how to give every character in her books a backbone of intrigue…they are all memorable.
In book 3 (I suggest you read Bright Side & Gus, first), the story follows Franco, the ever loving, foul mouthed but all heart drummer of the rock band, Rook and his journey in love, heartbreak and peace. There was a lot of hype over this book and often times you’re left disappointed but this book lived up to the hype. From the moment I picked it up, I couldn’t put it down and let me tell you, that doesn’t happen very often for me. She pulls you in with humor, realistic conversations and witty banter only she can pull off so effortlessly. The theme of love, loyalty and “family” runs deep in the Bright Side series and book #3 doesn’t disappoint. I swooned from beginning to end.
Do you know how hard it is to write sex scenes that don’t make you cringe with a side of cheese? Kim never disappoints.
A lot
Kim writes straight from the heart and as an avid reader…I am so grateful for her words.
Buy it here…now!
Slay Kim…Slay.
Love you long time,
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