Tagged: Journey

I Love the Poopoocacahead I Call My Husband…

My dude goes to work all day and works his ass off to provide well for our little family and even though many people think that being a SAHM is not a noble profession and is a step backwards in regards to being a “feminist” because there’s no monetary contribution...

Your Favorite Poopoocacahead Blogger says “Thank you!”

Last blog post for 2015. Woohooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve talked about everything from motherhood, marriage, religion, gays, rad people, books, poopoocacaheads… I may not have a big fancy college degree or write eloquently with grace and wondrous pizazz but I know you never expected that from me anyway…Hahaha and this is why...

Failed Asian. Still Happy. Life Still Loves Me Long Time.

In light of so many recent stories of people accusing Asian parents of treating their kids like Robots and kids running away from home because of the incredible amount of pressure and expectations that come with being an Asian kid…stereotypically and in real life…here’s my story. Family members: You’re such...

Movie Review: Wild

All the feels I had saved up for 2015 was sucked out of me watching the movie Wild. Empowering, beautifully acted (Reese will be nominated for every damn award in existance), well written, and it’s one of the few movies I’ve ever seen where the delicate use of flashbacks is...