Tagged: real

I Can’t…I just Can’t…But I’m So Gonna Tell You Anyway.

* I can’t blame anyone for the struggles I went through as a teen or in my 20’s. I made some dumbass mistakes and I dealt with the consequences…some not good and some really not good but I’m alive…Aliiiiiiiive!!!! * I can’t look at someone in the face and honestly...

Verbal Diarrhea on Repeat: You Deserve Better

Verbal Diarrhea on Repeat: You Deserve Better

Continuously saying horrible things to people and then apologizing afterwards. Like a neverending loop of verbal diarrhea. On constant repeat. Stay away from those types of people. Cut them loose. The problem isn’t you…it’s them. They put up a front of security and badassness to mask their true selves. They...