Tagged: lessons

Hey Boys, Remember that one Time when Christmas was Cancelled…

People have been asking me how our Christmas was…well? Let me tell you. This pic was taken Christmas morning. 4 hours later, they acted like complete ungrateful little humans and they were fighting nonstop. Drama ensued between them and we put our foot down. So they had it all taken...

Beauty in all that is Painfully Real…

One of the biggest life lessons I learned last year is that life is unforgiving when it comes to lessons that must be learned to sustain a broken in existence. Life is unpredictable in its actions and you wake up every morning like its owed to you. So we go...

Your Favorite Poopoocacahead Blogger says “Thank you!”

Last blog post for 2015. Woohooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve talked about everything from motherhood, marriage, religion, gays, rad people, books, poopoocacaheads… I may not have a big fancy college degree or write eloquently with grace and wondrous pizazz but I know you never expected that from me anyway…Hahaha and this is why...

Parenting Thoughts. Yay. Boo. Beer.

There is nothing like having kids of your own to realize that pretty much everything you thought you knew about kids and parenting was wrong and totally delusional. So easy to be so sure of reality when you’re not in the midst of that reality. Raising these little humanoids has...

Convos With Kids That Own Your Ass Too

THIS HAPPENED TODAY Getting dressed for school: Josh: I don’t want to wear this shirt! Kathy: What are you talking about? You wear your uniform to school everyday. Josh: I hate it. Kathy: Stop. NOW. Josh: I don’t want to wear these shoes! Kathy: We just bought them for you...