Tagged: motherhood

My Unicorn is Bigger Than Your Unicorn

I usually just ignore people who are plain ignorant and full of verbal diahrrea but sometimes…you have to shut them down not only for your own sanity but also for their sake because they may spew stupidity to the wrong person and get their ass kicked. I had a conversation...

I Can Relate to The Crazy Mamas Now…

When you’re watching one of those Korean mini drama series and the signature mother in law characters you once thought were all super duper crazy out of their freakin minds because they are always so fiercly protective of their sons comes on and you’re like…”Yeaaah, I understand you now, crazy...

Hate Turned into Goodness & Awareness

This is a little embarrassing but if I’m going to try and be honest with you in all things motherhood and life, I have to share this with you. I shared this on my personal FB page a few days ago and a few things were made abundantly clear. No...

Little Boys & their Grand Promises of Love

Kids are known to say some brilliantly funny uncensored things…but sometimes, sometimes because their hearts are so pure and still void of the realities of how the world really works, they think and feel such sweet things that make your heart feel like it will burst with love. Today was...

Your Favorite Poopoocacahead Blogger says “Thank you!”

Last blog post for 2015. Woohooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve talked about everything from motherhood, marriage, religion, gays, rad people, books, poopoocacaheads… I may not have a big fancy college degree or write eloquently with grace and wondrous pizazz but I know you never expected that from me anyway…Hahaha and this is why...

Being the Love of their Lives…for Now.

Mike’s been in his office working and the boys wanted to have another slumber party in my room tonight so I said yes. Took forever to get them to find the perfect spots on the bed where they would both be able to sleep next to me…fairly. Then as if...

Shutting it Down Before it Gets CrayCray (Well, trying to at least)

Kathy: Why are you just staring at your pizza? Matty: Take off the onion and olives and I’ll eat it. Kathy: You wanna see the video again of kids starving all around the world? Matty: I LOVE onions and olives! And let me tell you, they don’t get over it...