Tagged: courage

I Love the Poopoocacahead I Call My Husband…

My dude goes to work all day and works his ass off to provide well for our little family and even though many people think that being a SAHM is not a noble profession and is a step backwards in regards to being a “feminist” because there’s no monetary contribution...

I love the Gays and I love God. I’m a Multi-Tasking Ninja of Love.

From time to time I’ll repost things I posted on my Facebook. Here’s one that really irked me: One big thing I’ve changed my mind on is my attitude towards marriage equality. That’s a biggie, isn’t it? I used to be so against gay marriage. Having kids of my own...

Friendship: Love You Long Time

One major life lesson I know to be completely true is… That even in what seems to be the darkest moments of a friendship, if there is true love, a real understanding of eachother and a friendship that exists without the ridiculousness of keeping up with the joneses whether it...