Monthly Archive: August 2015

Elementary, Here We Come! I’m Excited and a Bit Scuuured.

Seems like it all kinda happened at once today. There’s something about having two sets of uniforms and two sets of school supply lists in front of you that makes you think “holy crap, the madness of a serious education has begun. Dramarama Josh will be in 1st grade and...

Just be You. You’re Enough.

Sometimes I think I wasn’t cut out to be someone’s spouse. Sometimes I think I wasn’t meant to be a mom. Most of the time I feel like I’m not living up to my full potential. Sometimes I think if Rose had scooted over just a little bit, Jack could’ve...

4 Days of Pure Emotional Crayness Thanks to the Mayhem in our life…

August 4th, 2015 Well, after years of no major incidents, Matty went to his first trip to Urgent care at Kaiser (We love Kaiser!) He hurt himself playing at school and kept on saying his ankle hurt cause he scratched it but there was no swelling around the ankles so...

Y’all, I’ve Been Replaced by The Hulk

So this JUST happened: You know you’re a parent when you hear the familiar sound of your kid climbing out of bed at around midnight to come get you to sleep with him because he’s scared. Other kids have blankets or stuffed animals. Josh’s security blanket comes in the form...